Monday, July 25, 2011

I am a Jerk

I keep reading this blog by a girl I didn't know in college. I didn't know her directly, but I knew of her, and how nasty and judgmental she was to everyone in college. And her blog is all about God and all about adopting a little boy from Ethiopia. And she is constantly asking people for money for the adoption. And it kills me. Here's why.

1) Yes, I understand adoption is expensive, and I think it's a great thing and totally worth it. But having and raising the kid is exponentially more expensive, and I sort of feel like if you can't fund the adoption, maybe you can't fund the cost of raising a child.
2) They are white middle class Americans. Come on.
3) I don't even think she has a real job.

I just want to write a comment on her blog that says "Maybe you feel awkward about asking for money because it IS awkward. Are you going to ask everyone else to pay for him when he gets here? Perhaps you could/should get a job before asking people to give the money they earned working, to you?"

I don't know why it bothers me so, but it does.
And really, no need to tell me it's none of my business. I already know that. And that maybe I'm a jerk. I realize that too. But I also think I have a very valid point.

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